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. 2012 Jul;18(7):1135–1138. doi: 10.3201/eid1807.111930

Table 1. ELISA results for the presence of influenza A virus antibodies in guinea pigs from different regions of Ecuador*.

Region No. (%) positive, by antigen†
H1 H3 H5 NP N1 (Cal09) N1 (Vietnam04) N2
Cuenca, n = 20 11 (55) 12 (60) 6 (30) 16 (80) 8 (57)‡ 8 (57)‡ 10 (71)
Guayaquil, n = 10 8 (80) 5 (50) 8 (80) 10 (100) 8 (88)§ 8 (88)§ 8 (88)§
Manabí, n = 10 1 (10) 1 (10) 0 3 (30) 1 (50)¶ 1 (50)¶
Total 20 18 14 29 17 17 18

*Samples were from adult guinea pigs raised as livestock on local farms (Cuenca) or from live animal markets (Guayaquil and Manabí). H1, recombinant hemagglutinin from A/California/04/2009 (Cal09); H3, recombinant hemagglutinin from A/Wisconsin/67/2005; H5, recombinant hemagglutinin from A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (Vietnam04); NP, recombinant nucleoprotein from A/Brisbane/10/2007; N1, recombinant neuraminidase from Cal09 or Vietnam04; N2, recombinant neuraminidase from A/Hong Kong/1/1968.
†Serum samples were considered positive if absorbance (read at 405 nm) was higher than the value of the negative control (naive guinea pig serum) +3 SD.
‡Only 14 samples were tested.
§Only 9 samples were tested.
¶Only 2 samples were tested.