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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jun 18.
Published in final edited form as: Q J Econ. 2011 May;126(2):987–1027. doi: 10.1093/qje/qjr008

Table IX.

Effects of Parental Rules

dependent variable Computer Use Homework Math GPA Romanian
Raven's Test Computer
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Panel A
Winner 3.525*** −0.097** −0.258** −0.418*** −0.358*** 0.119 0.263*** 0.172** −0.028
[0.481] [0.038] [0.104] [0.109] [0.133] [0.081] [0.069] [0.069] [0.070]
Computer Rules 4.071*** 0.044 0.250*** 0.294*** 0.320*** 0.105 0.322*** 0.341*** 0.310***
[0.389] [0.028] [0.083] [0.080] [0.092] [0.069] [0.056] [0.056] [0.060]
Winner*Computer Rules −3.231*** 0.046 0.003 −0.027 −0.064 −0.014 −0.188*** −0.097 −0.106
[0.471] [0.034] [0.097] [0.095] [0.113] [0.080] [0.066] [0.065] [0.070]
Observations 4,268 4,412 4,155 4,176 3,368 4,504 4,255 4,488 4,488

Panel B
Winner 3.055*** −0.104*** −0.251** −0.443*** −0.418*** 0.147* 0.244*** 0.174** −0.019
[0.507] [0.039] [0.107] [0.111] [0.137] [0.082] [0.071] [0.070] [0.071]
Homework Rules 0.644* 0.061** 0.061 −0.014 −0.090 0.071 0.086 0.085* 0.093*
[0.340] [0.027] [0.075] [0.077] [0.092] [0.059] [0.052] [0.052] [0.053]
Winner*Homework Rules 0.204 0.085*** 0.130 0.215** 0.340*** −0.016 0.012 0.055 0.011
[0.434] [0.032] [0.090] [0.093] [0.113] [0.073] [0.065] [0.062] [0.064]
Observations 4,182 4,335 4,112 4,133 3,335 4,411 4,165 4,395 4,395

Notes: Robust standard errors clustered at the household level are in brackets.

***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at the 1, 5 and 10 percent level respectively. The dependent variables are defined in Tables I, II, and III. "Winner" is defined as 1 for individuals with an income below the program cutoff of 62.58 RON, 0 otherwise. "Computer Rules" is an indicator for whether parents have rules regarding computer use. "Homework Rules" is an indicator for whether parents have rules regarding homework use. All regressions include controls for age, gender, ethnicity and education of the head of household, as well as gender and age dummy variables of the child. The estimation is based on the linear spline specification using the full sample. Source: 2009 Euro 200 survey.