Table 8: Summary of Findings for Studies Reported in Systematic Review by Warner et al. 2008 (23).
Author, year | BIRADS score | Measure | FM | MRI | MRI plus FM |
Warner et al., 2001 |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
43.0% 99.0% |
86.0% 91.0% |
100.0% NR |
Warner et al., 2004 |
0, 3-5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
36.0% 99.0% |
82.0% 81.0% |
90% 80% |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
36.0% 100.0% |
77.0% 95.0% |
86.0% 95.0% |
Kriege et al, 2004 | 0, 3-5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
40.0% 95.0% |
71.0% 90.0% |
89.0% NR |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
33.0% 99.0% |
64.0% 96.0% |
Hartman et al, 2004 | 4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
0.0% NR |
100.0% 75.0% |
100.0% NR |
Leach et al., 2005 |
0, 3-5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
40.0% 93.0% |
77.0% 81.0% |
94% 77% |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
14.0% 98.0% |
51.0% 96.0% |
60.0% 95.0% |
Kuhl et al., 2005 |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
32.0% 97.0% |
91.0% 97.0% |
93% 96% |
Trecate et al., 2006 |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
33.3% 100.0% |
100.0% 97.0% |
100.0% 97.0% |
Lehman et al., 2005 |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
25.0% 98.0% |
100.0% 93.0% |
100.0% 91.0% |
Lehman et al., 2007 |
3, 4, 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
33.0% 91.0% |
100.0% 79.0% |
100.0% 73.0% |
Sardenelli et al., 2007 |
4 or 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
59.0% 99.0% |
94.0% 98.0% |
100.0% NR |
Hagen et al., 2007 |
3, 4, 5 | Sensitivity Specificity |
32.0% NR |
68.0% NR |
80.0 NR |
NR not reported; MRI magnetic resonance imaging; FM film mammography.
Source: Warner E, Messersmith H, Causer P, Eisen A, Shumak R, Plewes D. 2008. Systematic review: using magnetic resonance imaging to screen women at high risk for breast cancer. Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 148. Used with permission from The American College of Physicians.