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. 2009 Oct 1;9(23):1–40.

Table A1: Summary of Existing Evidence on Specialized Multidisciplinary Community Care for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes (n=9).

Study (type, search years)* No. of trials Objective Applicability to MAS analysis
Glazier, et al, 2006 (37) (SR, 1986-2004) 17 To determine the effectiveness of patient, provider and health system interventions to improve diabetes care among socially disadvantaged populations. Did not restrict to articles that were specialized or multidisciplinary in nature, restricted to populations with low socioeconomic status
Knight, et al, 2005 (20) (MA, 1987-2001) 24 To determine the effect of disease management programs for patients with diabetes on processes and outcomes of care Not all studies involved specialized multidisciplinary care; meta-analysis had significant clinical and statistical heterogeneity and no attempt of subgroup analysis
Norris, et al, 2002 (38) (SR, 1966-2000) 42 To determine the effectiveness and economic efficiency of disease management and case management for people with diabetes. Not all included articles involved specialized multi-disciplinary care; did not report HbA1c or SBP outcomes
O’Reilly, et al, 2006 (39) (SR, 1993-2005) 24 To determine the efficacy/effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary care interventions and diabetes programs to improve the management of patients with type 2 diabetes in a variety of delivery settings Relevant review on multidisciplinary care for diabetes management; However, do not describe inclusion criteria of the intervention (i.e. characteristics of the diabetes programs)
Renders, et al, 2000 (40) (SR, 1966-2000) 41 To determine the effectiveness of interventions targeted at health care professionals and/or the structure of care to improve the management of diabetes in primary care, outpatient and community settings. Although some interventions involved multidisciplinary teams, not all included involved interventions that were multidisciplinary
Shojania, et al, 2006 (21) (MR, 1966-2006) 66 To assess the impact of 11 distinct strategies for quality improvement in adults with type 2 diabetes (audit and feedback, case management, team changes, electronic patient registry, clinician education, clinician reminders, facilitated relay of clinical information to clinicians, patient education, promotion of self-management, patient reminder systems and continuous quality improvement) Not all team changes or case management involved specialized multidisciplinary care
van Bruggen, et al, 2007 (41) (SR, 1990-2005)) 22 To determine if shared care and allocated care tasks lead to improved quality in diabetes care and a reduction in the cardiovascular risks in diabetes patients. Different inclusion/exclusion criteria; not all were multidisciplinary care; included delegated care (action being allocated to someone with a lower level of training)
Whittemore, et al, 2007 (42) (SR, 1990-2006) 11 To describe interventional components and efficacy (clinical outcomes, behavioural outcomes, knowledge) of multifaceted, culturally competent interventions aimed at improving outcomes in Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes; to describe cultural strategies of the interventions; and to examine factors associated with attendance and attrition Focus on Hispanic adult diabetic population; not all included studies involved multidisciplinary care
Wubben, et al, 2008 (43) (SR, 1937-2007) 21 To assess the impact of diabetes quality improvement strategies that used pharmacists in outpatient settings on improvement of glycemic control and other direct outcomes for diabetic adults. Focused on integration of a pharmacist specifically into team; however, not all studies were multidisciplinary

SR, Systematic review; MA, meta-analysis; MR, meta-regression

HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin; SBP, systolic blood pressure;