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. 2011 Jul 1;11(3):1–63.

Table 7: The Effects of a GFD on Idiopathic Short Stature in Patients with Asymptomatic Celiac Disease.

Study Design
Patient Population Symptoms Celiac Disease diagnosis criteria Short Stature definition Withdrawals

GFD compliance
Effects of GFD
Cacciari et al. (14) (1985)

N= 104
• Study design
Case Series, before-after comparison
F-up: 3 to 33 mos

• Recruitment
All children with short stature and CD with positive small bowel biopsy but no GI symptoms who attended the pediatric clinic.
• Symptoms
No GI symptoms

• Patient Characteristics
Idiopathic short stature: 88/104 (84.6%)

Mean age: 9.4 to 13.4 yrs (2.8-16.8)
Bone age delay (% of chronologic age): 16.6% - 28.2%

• Participation rate
Not reported
• Celiac disease diagnosis
Serology (AGA) confirmed by small bowel biopsy

• Short stature definition
< 3rd percentile
• Withdrawals
6/16 (37.5%) – not followed after GFD.

• GFD Compliance
Not reported
• Effect of GFD on height velocity SDS
Improvement: 6/10 (60.0%) GFD duration: 6-33 mos

Statistical significance of changes not provided

Mean Height velocity SDS (range), N=9
Before GFD: - 1.81 (-1.2 to 2.4)
After GFD: + 0.49 (-5.0 to 6.7)
GFD duration: 3 to 12 mos*
Bonamico et al.
(13)(1992) Italy

• Study design
Case series, before-after comparison F-up: unclear

• Recruitment
Children with short stature and CD with positive small bowel biopsy and no GI symptoms referred to the endocrinology clinic. No somatic, cardiac, or renal malformations or chromosomal abnormalities
• Symptoms
No GI symptoms

• Patient Characteristics
Mean age: 8.4 yrs ± 3.1
Growth velocity: from -2 SD below average to 25th percentile
Growth delay SD, mean (range): -2.7 SD (-2, 3.7)
GH deficiency: 5/14 (36%)

• Participation rate
Not reported
• Celiac disease diagnosis
Small bowel biopsy

• Short stature definition
Height < 3rd percentile
• Withdrawals

• GFD Compliance
Not reported
• Effect of GFD on growth velocity
29/29 (100%) significant acceleration of growth velocity

Growth velocity
Before GFD: -2.3 SD
Post GFD: + 3.7 SD

GFD duration: not clear
Cacciari et al. (15) (1991)

• Study design
Case series, before-after comparison F-up: 3 yrs

• Recruitment
Children with short stature diagnosed with CD (positive biopsy and AGA serology) and no GI symptoms.
• Symptoms
No GI symptoms

• Patient Characteristics
Mean chronological age
Male: 12.1 yrs (6.2-19.2)
Female: 11.7 yrs (9.6-15)

Mean bone age
Male: 8.9 yrs (3.8-14)
Female: 9.9 yrs (7.5-11.7)

• Participation rate
Not reported
• Celiac disease diagnosis
Small bowel biopsy

• Short stature definition
Height < 3rd percentile
• Withdrawals
Not reported

• GFD Compliance
Not reported
• Effect of GFD on growth, GFD duration: 3 yrs
Mean chronological age height SDS ± SD:
Baseline: -2.52 ± 0.83
Yr 1: -2.23 ± 0.77
Yr 2: -1.99 ± 0.80
Yr 3: -1.69 ± 0.87
p value not reported

AGA antigliadin antibody; CD celiac disease; f-up follow-up; GFD gluten-free diet; GH growth hormone; GI gastrointestinal; mos months; SD standard deviation; SDS standard deviation score; yr year


1st evaluation reported in the publication was used in this table