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. 2011 Jul 1;11(3):1–63.

Table 10: Risk of All-Cause Mortality in Patients with Asymptomatic Celiac Disease.

Study N
Study Design Statistical Analysis Patient Population Symptoms CD diagnosis criteria
Outcome and
All-Cause Mortality
OR, RR, HR, SMR (95% CI)
GFD effects
Participation Rate Withdrawals
Corrao et al. (20) (2001)

N= 67 asymptomatic CD

N= 123 asymptomatic CD (parents and siblings’ cohorts)

Period: 1962-1998
Study Design
Cohort, Multicentre Mean f-up: 6.0 yrs

• Recruitment
CD cases: Consecutive CD diagnosed between 1962-1994 from GI clinics.
Relatives’ cohorts: subjects diagnosed at gastroenterology clinics.
Controls: general population mortality rate used as comparison, age, sex-adjusted

• Analysis
Poisson regression SMR (observed/ expected), age and sex adjusted
Celiac disease
> 18 yrs Female: 76%

• Controls
Not applicable
CD diagnosis
Small bowel biopsy

• Mortality ascertainment
Mortality and covariates ascertained through patient interviews and review of medical records or city registries. Cause defined according to ICD-9
All-cause mortality (asymptomatics)
SMR 1.2 (0.1, 7.0) Events: 1 (expected: 0.8), p .99

Relatives of CD patients
SMR: 0.8 (0.3, 1.7)
Events 7 (expected 8.4)

Similar for mothers, brothers and sisters of CD patients
• GFD effects
Adherence and effects in asymptomatics not reported.
Participation Rate
CD cohort: not reported Relatives cohort: 8/873 (0.9%)

• Withdrawals
CD cohort: 50 (4.7%)
Relatives’ cohorts: not reported
Johnston et al. (24) (1998)

N= 13 asymptomatic CD (1983 cohort)

Period: 1983-1995
Study Design
Mean f-up: 11.6 yrs

• Recruitment
Patients randomly identified from the general population for a cardiovascular study were used for this study.
CD cases: positive serology
Controls: expected mortality rate in the general population, adjusted for age and sex

• Analysis
Observed events compared to expected according to age, calendar yr. Poisson distribution
Celiac disease
Mean age: 60.1 yrs
Female: 52.8%

• Controls
Not applicable
CD diagnosis
Serology (IgA AGA, ARA, EMA).
Small bowel biopsy performed in 20/102

• Mortality ascertainment
Outcome information obtained from patient interviews and mortality registry
All-cause Mortality in subjects with at least 1 positive serologic test
RR 0.92 (0.5, 1.6) Events: 13 (expected 14.1)

• GFD effects
Not evaluated
• 30/102 (29.4%) did not participate
• 52/72 (72.2%) did not do a small bowel biopsy
Lohi et al. (21) (2009)

N= 6,849

204 asymptomatic CD (IgA tTG) 74 asymptomatic CD (IgA EMA)

Period: 1978-2005
Study Design
Retrospective cohort F-up: up to 28 yrs

• Recruitment
Patients randomly identified from the general population for a population-based heart survey were used for this study. CD cases: positive serologic test.
Controls: Negative serology or positive only to 1st IgA tTG •Analysis
Cox regression, RR adjusted for multiple factors
Celiac disease
Mean age ± SD:
49.2 ± 11.8 yrs (EMA)
59.1 ± 14.2 yrs (tTG)
72% (EMA) 61.5% (tTG) •Controls
Mean age ± SD: 51.1 ± 14.1 yrs
Female: 53.7%
CD diagnosis
Positive serology in 2 tests.

• Mortality ascertainment
Information obtained from medical records and national mortality registry
All-cause mortality by serologic test
IgA tTG positive RR: 1.18 (0.99, 1.42) Events: 128/204 (CD) 2,941/6,783 (controls)

IgA EMA positive RR: 0.91 (0.59, 1.38) Events: 23 /74 (CD) 3,46/6,913 (controls)

• GFD effects
Not evaluated
• 10% did not participate in survey
• 87% with blood sample
Rubio-Tapia et al. (22)(2009)

Period: 1948-1997

Study Design
Retrospective cohort F-up: 45 yrs

• Recruitment
Healthy young men from military base who were part of a cohort study for infectious diseases were used for this study CD cases: positive serologic test
Controls: Seronegative for CD Matched for age, gender, enlistment status

• Analysis
Cox proportional hazards adjusted for age, gender, enlistment status
Celiac disease

Median age: 20 (14.3-46.4) yrs
Female: 0

• Controls
Not reported
CD diagnosis
Serology, both IgA tTG and IgA EMA positive

• Mortality ascertainment
Vital records database
All-cause mortality
HR: 3.9 (2.0, 7.5) Events: 9, 6 of known causes: Emphysema (1), lymphoma (1), larynx cancer (1), esophageal cancer (1), CV (1), not specified (1).

• GFD effects
Unknown (authors)
• Not reported
Metzger et al. (23) (2006)
CD= 63 (1.4%)
Period: 1989-1998
Retrospective cohort Mean f-up: 8.0 (0-8.9) yrs

• Recruitment
Patients randomly identified from the general population for population-based heart survey were used

CD cases: positive serologic test for CD
Controls: negative serologic test for CD

• Analysis
Cox proportional hazards adjusted for age
Celiac disease
Mean age:
Men: 57.2 (53.1-61.4) yrs
Women: 52.8 (46.5-59.0) yrs

Female: 49.6%

• Controls
Mean age:
Men: 49.7 (49.2-50.3) yrs
Women: 49.2 (48.7-49.8) yrs

Female: 49.9%
CD diagnosis
Serology IgA tTG

• Mortality ascertainment
Obtained from vital records database. Covariates obtained from medical records
All-cause mortality
HR: 2.53 (1.50, 4.25) Events: 15
• N=13 (0.2%)–moved away.

AGA antigliadin antibody; ARA anti-reticulin antibody; CD celiac disease; CI confidence interval; EMA endomysial antibody; f-up follow-up; GFD gluten-free diet; HR hazard ratio; IgA immunoglobulin A; N/A not applicable NHL non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma OR odds ratio; RR relative risk; SD standard deviation; SMR standardized mortality ratio; tTG tissue transglutaminase; yr year