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. 2011 Feb 1;11(1):1–93.

Table AP1-1. CINAHL.

# Query Results
S11 S3 AND S10 45
S10 (S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9) 3011
S9 Saphenous Vein* 488
S8 (MH "Saphenous Vein") 341
S7 (venous or vein* or saphenous) and (reflux or incomp* or insuff*) 894
S6 (MH "Venous Insufficiency") 385
S5 varicose vein* or varices or varicosis 842
S4 (MH "Varicose Veins+") 1464
S3 S1 or S2 3770
S2 radiofrequency ablation or RFA or radiofrequency obliteration 907
S1 (MH "Catheter Ablation") 3527