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. 2010 Jun 1;10(8):1–64.

Table 10: List of cardiac imaging tests and associated OHIP 2009 costs.

Technology List of professional fees Subtotal List of technical fees Subtotal Total
Cardiac CT Fee code X125 X417 Imputed
Cost $89.20 $64.00 $153.20 $336.52 $336.52 $489.72
Cardiac MRI (dobutamine stress with gadolinium) Fee code X441 X445 X487 G319 Imputed G315 G174
Multiplier 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Cost $75.55 $37.80 $37.75 $62.65 $289.35 $463.06 $33.65 $37.00 $533.71 $823.06
Cardiac SPECT (exercise stress) Fee code J866 J811 J807 G319 J866 J811 J807 G315
Cost $28.70 $55.30 $47.00 $62.65 $193.65 $44.60 $97.55 $223.15 $33.65 $398.95 $592.60
Cardiac SPECT (dobutamine stress) Fee code J866 J811 J807 G319 J866 J811 J807 G315 G174
Cost $28.70 $55.30 $47.00 $62.65 $193.65 $44.60 $97.55 $223.15 $33.65 $37.00 $435.95 $629.60
Cardiac SPECT (dipyramidole stress) Fee code J866 J811 J807 G112 J866 J811 J807 G111
Cost $28.70 $55.30 $47.00 $75.00 $206.00 $44.60 $97.55 $223.15 $41.10 $406.40 $612.40
ECHO (exercise stress) Fee code G571 G578 G575 G319 G570 G577 G574 G315
Cost $74.10 $36.90 $17.45 $62.65 $191.10 $76.45 $45.15 $16.45 $33.65 $171.70 $362.80
ECHO (dobutamine stress) Fee code G5 71 G578 G575 G319 G570 G577 G574 G315 G174
Cost $74.10 $36.90 $17.45 $62.65 $191.10 $76.45 $45.15 $16.45 $33.65 $37.00 $208.70 $399.80
ECHO (dipyramidole stress) Fee code G571 G578 G575 G112 G570 G577 G574 G111
Cost $74.10 $36.90 $17.45 $75.00 $203.45 $76.45 $45.15 $16.45 $41.10 $179.15 $382.60

Notes: Fee codes are taken from the 2009 OHIP fee schedule. (113) Imputed technical fees were based on the proportion of average technical fees associated with above ECHO and SPECT fee code combinations. For cardiac SPECT and ECHO stress tests, an average test cost was calculated using dobutamine and dipyramidole fee codes.