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. 2011 Jul 1;11(4):1–29.
S13 S10 and S11 171
Limiters - Published Date from: 20020101-20111231
S12 S10 and S11 183
S11 (MH "Economics+") or (MH "Resource Allocation+") or MW ec or (MH "Quality of Life+") or (econom* or cost* or budget* or pharmacoeconomic* or pharmaco-economic* or valu*) or ((cost* N1 benefit*) or costbenefit* or (cost N1 S11 effective*) or costeffective* or econometric* or life value or quality-adjusted life year* or quality adjusted life year* or 514324 quality-adjusted life expectanc* or quality adjusted life expectanc* or sensitivity analys* or "value of life" or "willingness to pay") 514324
S10 S3 AND S9 370
S9 S5 OR S6 OR S8 437
S8 S4 and S7 234
S7 continuous 16226
S6 IPRO or Paradigm* N1 realtime or Paradigm* N1 real-time or Paradigm Veo or guardian N1 realtime or guardian N1 real-time or cgm or cgms 201
S5 continuous N1 glucose monitor* 357
S4 (MH "Blood Glucose Monitoring+") 2415
S3 S1 OR S2 63599
S2 diabet* or niddm or iddm or mody or t1dm or t2dm 63439
S1 (MH "Diabetic Patients") OR (MH "Diabetes Mellitus+") 50818