Figure 2. Microscopic stages and population growth results for the Northern and Southern cryptic species of the Lessonia nigrescens. (A) The gametophyte life history diagram considered in this study. Arrows show transitions within and between the distinguished stages:
(1) spores, (2) germling spores, (3) gametophyte of 1–2 cells, (4) gametophyte of >2 cells, (5) mature female, i.e. with oogonia, (6) fertilized females, bearing a young sporophyte, and (7) male gametophyte. (B) Mean vital rates (± SE) for each of the four defined groups of populations (central populations of the Northern and Southern species, and marginal populations of the Northern and Southern species) of Lessonia nigrescens cryptic species, at each of the five temperature treatments. a. Germination rate (at day 2 of culture), b. Gametophyte survival (day 25), c. Sex ratio of gametophytes, i.e. the frequency of male gametophytes (day 15), d. Frequency of female gametophytes showing vegetative development, i.e. having more than 2 cells (day 24), e. Female maturity rate, i.e. frequency of females with oogonia (day 25), f. Female fertilization rate, i.e. frequency of females bearing a sporophyte (day 25).