Fig. 3.
Immunocytochemical detection of KV2.1 (A) and KV2.2 (B) channel in freshly isolated single human DSM cells using KV2.1 and KV2.2 channel-specific antibody. Red staining (bottom left panels) indicates detection of KV2.1 channel (Aa) and KV2.2 channel (Ba); after absorption of the primary antibody with a competing peptide (Ab and Bb); and after the primary antibody was omitted and cells were incubated with the secondary antibody only (2°Control) (Ac). Cell nuclei are shown in blue (top left panels); F-actin is shown in green (top right panels). The merged images (bottom right) illustrate the overlap of all 3 images. Images were obtained via confocal microscope at ×63 and clearly demonstrate that the KV2 channel proteins were localized to the cell membrane.