Chromosome 15q24–25.1 locus. A, genomic context of 15q24–25.1. The middle horizontal line is the physical position of chromosome (Mb; build 36.3). Genes shown on the upper side of the horizontal line are transcribed in the + orientation (from left to right), and those on the lower side in the − orientation (from right to left). B, SNP positions and LD among these SNPs. Up triangle, SNPs that are in high LD with the first variant, rs1051730 (r2 > 0.7). Down triangle, SNPs that are in high LD with the second variant, rs481134. Pairwise LD was estimated for 251 SNPs on 15q24–25.1 (from 76,016,651 to 76,992,181 bp) in 219 disease-free unrelated controls collected from the GELCC.