Figure 2. Hypoxia-induced cortical angiogenesis.
A, Representative images GLUT-1 positive stained sections showing microvascular density in the rat cerebral cortex following three weeks of chronic hypoxia compared to controls (a: 3 month control, b: 3 month hypoxic, c: 24 month control, d: 24 month hypoxic). B, Cortical microvascular density (microvessels per mm2) analysis of GLUT-1 stained sections before and following chronic hypoxia as a function of age. Each value represents the mean +/− SD from at least three rats with the individual values from each rat being the average of at least four different sections per region examined. Each quantified section was at least 250–300 um apart from the subsequent section. *p < 0.05 compared with control value.