Figure 3. (a) Identification of additional rare variants associated with Crohn’s disease and its haplotype structure (b) NOD2 haplotypes observed in 700 individuals with overlapping genotype data (R311W, S431L, R702W, R703C, V793M, N852S, M863V, G908R, fs1007insC).
(a) Five additional risk variants are discovered in NOD2 demonstrating the – log10(P value) and the minor allele odds ratio with 95% CI along with their haplotype block. (b) Note that S431L and V793M are in tight LD and we regard this as one unit S431L + V793M, R703C has a higher frequency than R311W although they share haplotypes conditional analysis (Table S3) demonstrates independent contributions. M863V lies on the background haplotype of fs1007insC.