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. 2011 Oct 7;9(2):199–216. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2011.00341.x

Table 2.

 Relationship of breastfeeding duration by covariates and 5‐year child outcomes in Mysore, South India, 1997–2003

Variable n Breastfeeding duration (months)* P
<6 (n = 64) 6–11 (n = 141) 12–17 (n = 253) 18+ (n = 110)
Level 1: socio‐economic characteristics
 Urban dwelling, n (%) 568 55 (86.0) 98 (69.5) 178 (70.4) 90 (81.8) <0.001 ga
 Kuppuswamy score 568 33.6 (6.4) 34.8 (5.6) 33.9 (6.3) 33.8 (7.3) 0.83
 Maternal education (years) 568 10.4 (3.5) 10.9 (3.5) 10.4 (3.4) 10.3 (3.8) 0.94
 Religion, n (%)
  Hindu 320 17 (26.6) 86 (61) 164 (64.8) 53 (48.2)
  Muslim 198 41 (64.1) 46 (32.6) 72 (28.5) 39 (35.5) <0.001 ga
  Other 50 6 (9.4) 9 (6.4) 17 (6.7) 18 (16.4)
Level 2: family & gestational history of diabetes
 Family history of diabetes, n (%) 555 16 (25.4) 27 (19.7) 46 (18.6) 23 (21.5) 0.15
 Gestational diabetes, n (%) 538 4 (6.3) 2 (1.4) 15 (5.5) 14 (12.7) 0.01
Level 3: birth outcomes
 Birthweight (g) 568 2913 (419) 2805 (415) 2837 (442) 3005 (451) 0.05 ga
 Prematurity, n (%) 568 4 (6.3) 15 (10.6) 23 (9.1) 9 (8.2) 0.95
Level 4: infant‐feeding practices
 Age of starting solids (months), n (%)
  ≤3 101 13 (21.7) 28 (21.0) 43 (18.2) 17 (16.7) 0.16 ga
  4 202 32 (53.3) 48 (35.8) 88 (37.3) 34 (33.3)
  5 145 11 (18.3) 37 (27.6) 69 (29.2) 28 (27.5)
  ≥6 84 4 (6.7) 21 (15.7) 36 (15.3) 23 (22.6)
Level 5: household nutritional status
 Maternal BMI at 5 years (kg m–2) 543 23.9 (4.9) 23.1 (4.1) 23.4 (4.3) 24.5 (5.1) 0.33
 Parity, n (%)
  No children 289 34 (53.1) 80 (56.7) 130 (51.4) 45 (40.9)
  One child 90 16 (25.0) 45 (31.9) 85 (33.6) 44 (40.0) 0.02 ga
  Two or more children 89 14 (21.9) 16 (11.4) 38 (15.0) 21 (19.1)
Main outcomes at 5 years of age
 High BMI (>90th percentile), n (%) 568 11 (17.2) 19 (13.5) 17 (6.7) 11 (10.0) 0.08
 Skinfolds (mm) geometric mean (+/– 1SD)
  Subscapular 568 6.3 (4.6, 8.5) 6.0 (4.5, 8.0) 5.9 (4.6, 7.6) 5.9 (4.6, 7.6) 0.07
  Triceps 568 8.3 (6.2, 11.1) 7.8 (6.1, 10.0) 7.6 (6.2, 9.5) 7.7 (6.0, 9.9) 0.12
  Sum of skinfolds 568 14.6 (11.0, 19.4) 13.9 (10.8, 17.8) 13.6 (11.0, 16.8) 13.7 (10.8, 17.3) 0.07

ga, general association; BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation. Data are presented as mean and SD unless otherwise stated. *The data are shown in four categories for economy of presentation, but all statistical tests used the six categories described in Methods. Test of linear trend using breastfeeding duration in six categories, unless the test for a departure from linear trend was significant, in which case this is a likelihood ratio test or a χ 2 test of ga.