Figure 5. Efficacy of AdHu5-MVA PcAMA1 immunization against blood-stage challenge.
BALB/c mice (n=6) were vaccinated with 5 × 1010 vp of AdHu5-PcAMA1 and boosted 8 weeks later with 1 × 107 pfu of MVA-PcAMA1. Two weeks after the MVA boost (day 70), these mice and six naïve unvaccinated controls were challenged i.v. with 105 non-lethal PccAS pRBCs. Parasitemia was monitored daily from day 4 by Giemsa-stained thin-blood smears and results are expressed as the % infected RBCs. The difference in parasitemia between the two groups was taken as the measure of vaccine efficacy. The mean percentage parasitemia ± SEM is shown. Significant differences by Mann-Whitney test (*** P ≤ 0.001) are indicated.