Ribbon drawings of RV VP1 (A–C) and the reovirus λ3 initiation complex (D–H). Conserved RdRp motifs are colored pink (motif A), purple (motif B), green (motif C), cyan (motif D), yellow (motif E), and cornflower blue (motif F). The PL is colored gold, and a bound RNA oligo representing the template is depicted as yellow sticks. In the λ3 structure, divalent cations are colored dark olive, and NTPs occupying the P and N sites are colored orange. The side chains of conserved aspartic acids in motifs A and C, arginines in motif F, and selected residues of the PL are shown. Regions of λ3 and VP1 have been removed for clarity. The RdRp is oriented similarly in (B–C) and (F–H) to the orientation in (A) and (D), respectively. (H) λ3 is rotated approximately 45° to the left in comparison to (D). PLs from the reovirus λ3 initiation complex (gold) or elongation complex (sea green) or the rotavirus VP1 structure (royal blue), and adjacent α-helices, have been overlaid on the λ3 initiation complex structure.