Fig. 3.
Active avoidance learning. A) Pretraining measures on time spent in each compartment indicate all animals spend more time in the dark rather than the light chamber (***p < 0.001, Two-way ANOVA). B) Percentage avoidance in PIO fed mice was significantly greater than in the CTRL group across all training sessions (*p < 0.05 Two-way ANOVA). For graphical comparison only, the percentage avoidance from non-transgenic control mice (non-Tg) is also shown (inset). C) Ranked escape latencies across the first 3 sessions show better performance in the PIO fed mice compared to the CTRL animals (*p < 0.05 Two way ANOVA). D) Ranked escape latencies (higher numbers indicate poorer performance) correlated well with ranked integrated Aβ densities (higher numbers indicate greater Aβ density), as increased Aβ deposits were seen in animals with poor learning (r = 0.66, p < 0.01). Data represent Mean ± SEM.