Unbalanced Lam332 subunit expression by SCC cells and secretion of abnormal assembly intermediates. A: Western blot analysis of the three Lam332 subunits in low-density (L) versus high-density (H) cultures of normal keratinocytes (G5Ep, O5Ep, strain N) and SCC cells (SCC-25, SCC-15, SCC-68). Note strong density repression of Lamγ2 by normal keratinocytes and lack of it by SCC cells. B: Nonreducing gels of cell extracts of confluent normal keratinocyte and SCC cultures Western blotted for Lamγ2 (upper gel) and Lamβ3 (lower gel). Note that SCCs have little or no intracellular Lam332 trimer, compared with normal keratinocytes, and that the Lamβ3 antibody does not bind well to Lamβ3 after assembly into the Lam332 trimer in normal cells. C: Nonreducing gels of conditioned medium from confluent normal keratinocyte and SCC cultures Western blotted for Lamγ2, disclosing relative proportions of normal Lam332 trimer, β3γ2 dimer, and Lamγ2 monomer. Note secretion by SCC cells of Lamγ2 monomer in processed (105 kDa; γ2) and unprocessed (155 kDa; γ2′) forms.