FIG. 2.
Amino acid sequence alignments of OBSCN. (A) Multiple alignments of nonsynonymous rs1188722C>T (Leu2116Phe) using the ClustalW2 program ( show a highly conserved residue among human and other species. (B) The rs1188729G>C (Cys4642Ser) site also shows a high conservation among mammals. Asterisk (*)indicates the identical residues, whereas colon (:) and period (.) are used to show the positions where the conserved position contains amino acids of the strong (:) and weak (.) similarity groups, respectively. Human (NP_443075.2), Pig (XP_003123677.1), Mouse (NP_954603.2), Rat (XP_340808.4), Chicken (XP_418501.2), and Zebrafish (XP_001341205.4).