Table: 39 – Provincial Policies in Canada on Eye Examinations.
Province | Policy |
British Columbia | Routine eye examinations are a benefit only for those 18 years of age and under and 65 years of age and over. Medically required eye examinations are a benefit for all Medical Service Plan beneficiaries when there is a medical necessity (such as eye diseases, trauma or injury, or health conditions associated with significant risk to the eyes such as diabetes.) |
Alberta | Basic Medical Services include:
Saskatchewan | Routine Eye exams are limited to:
Manitoba | If you are under 19 years of age or 65 and over you may receive one complete routine eye exam every two years. Exams for all ages will be covered if deemed medically necessary by your physician or optometrist. Routine eye exams for people 19-64 are not insured. |
Quebec | Persons under 18 and 65 years of age and older are covered. People of any age on welfare are covered. |
Nova Scotia | Provincial coverage for persons 10 years and younger and 65 years and older once every 2 years. |
New Brunswick | Refractions for prescription eye glasses and optometrist services are not insured by either the New Brunswick Medicare or the province's hospital services. Persons of any age may have a provincially insured eye exam by an ophthalmologist for conditions other than refraction. |
PEI | Optometrists' services are not covered for any persons of any age. With a referral from a family physician, services rendered by an ophthalmologist are covered by the province's Medicare plan. |
Newfoundland | Routine eye examinations are not insured |