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. 2012 Jun 12;35(7):1446–1454. doi: 10.2337/dc11-1928

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Glycemic efficacy, changes in body weight, and insulin detemir doses. Results from run-in to randomization (vertical dotted line) and from randomization to the end of the trial for change in A1C (A), change in body weight (B), and mean FPG (C). Data are means ± 2 SE from the full analysis set with no imputation. RT, randomized treatment group; RC, randomized control group; O, observational group. D: Self-monitored plasma glucose profiles before and after breakfast, lunch, and dinner and at bedtime for the treatment and control groups at weeks 0 and 26. ■, randomized treatment group; □, randomized control group; △, observational group. Dotted lines, 0 weeks; solid lines, 26 weeks. Vertical bars indicate ± 2 SEM. P values refer to differences between groups in the change from randomization (week 0) to week 26. E: Insulin detemir dose (prescribed dose, ○, left ordinate) and self-measured FPG (♦, right ordinate) during the 26-week randomized period for the insulin detemir treatment group. Dotted lines indicate 25th–75th percentiles.