Adapted from Dale and Buckner (31).
(Upper) The raw BOLD fMRI signal evoked when either one,
two, or three trials of visual checkerboard stimulation are presented.
The trials were each 1 sec in duration and separated by 1 sec. The
response increases and is prolonged with the addition of multiple
trials, indicating it does not saturate going from one to three trials.
(Lower) The explicit contribution of each individual
trial by subtracting the one-trial condition from the two-trial
condition (yielding the estimated response of the second trial) and the
two-trial condition from the three-trial condition (yielding the
estimated response of the third trial). The three estimated trials are
roughly similar, although subtle but clear departures from linearity
can be observed. This finding suggests the bold response can be shown
to add linearly over trials, although the generalization of this
finding to other brain regions and trial types is still an
open question.