Figure 5. Effects of PROP on acquisition (panel A) and consolidation (panel B) of social play-induced CPP.
The experimental protocol is depicted above the graph (Pre-C: pre-conditioning test, CS: daily conditioning sessions, consisting of one session with and one session without a play-partner present). PROP was administered either 30 min before (acquisition) or immediately after (consolidation) each conditioning session. Data represent the mean time (sec ± SEM) spent in the social compartment (grey bars) and the non-social compartment (white bars) during a 15 min retrieval-session. Saline-treated animals (2 ml/kg, i.p., acquisition: n = 16, consolidation: n = 12), PROP-treated animals (10 mg/kg, i.p., acquisition: n = 16, consolidation: n = 12). Post-hoc Student's paired t-tests for difference in time spent in the social- and non-social compartment **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.