Figure 5. Singular v dual knockdown of SNF2L and SNF2LT and the cell cycle.
MDA-MB-468 cells were transfected with the different siRNAs. A, singular knockdowns of either SNF2L or SNF2LT both led to substantial increases in p53 mRNA but dual knockdowns affected p53 mRNA less so by real time RT-PCR. B, singular knockdowns of either SNF2L or SNF2LT both led to substantial increases in the p53 target gene, 14-3-3σ but dual knockdowns did not affect 14-3-3σ. C, singular knockdowns of either SNF2L or SNF2LT both led to substantial increases in another p53 target gene, GADD45A but dual knockdowns did not affect GADD45A. Each experiment was performed in triplicate and repeated at least four times.