A, B, Effects of early-life stress on mossy fiber-CA3 LTP (A) and SCCP-CA1 LTP (B) in adult wild-type and CRF1-CKO mice. Representative traces for control and LTP are shown. A, After a HFS was delivered, mossy fiber-CA3 LTP was absent in stressed wild-type mice as indicated by significantly reduced amplitude of fEPSP in the last 10 min compared with wild-type controls. In contrast, CRF1-CKO mice showed intermediate LTP. B, In the CA1 region, no difference in fEPSP potentiation was noticed between control and stressed wild-type mice, whereas LTP was surprisingly enhanced in the slices of stressed CRF1-CKO mice. CT, Control; ES, early-life stress. *p < 0.05 versus the control group. ###p < 0.001 versus stressed wild-type group. n = 4–6 mice per group.