PET difference (subtraction) images showing areas
of increased (Upper images) and decreased
(Lower images) blood flow when verb generation (under
Naive, Practiced, and Novel conditions) is compared with reading.
During naive (Left images) and novel
(Right images) verb generation, increased blood flow in
left frontal cortex was found compared with simple reading, whereas
decreased blood flow was observed in left insular cortex. The
Center images show that blood flow in these areas
changed to a level almost identical to that found during simple reading
after the verb generation was practiced. A linear gray scale is used
with white representing maximal activation and black, minimal
activation. The brain outlines were traced from the stereotaxic atlas
of Talairach and Tournoux (20) and represent sagittal sections with
their x-axis (left–right axis, left being negative)
positions in millimeters noted.