PET difference (subtraction) images showing areas
of increased (Upper images) and decreased
(Lower images) blood flow when maze tracing (under
Naive, Practiced, and Novel conditions) is compared with fast square
tracing. During naive (Left images) and novel
(Right images) maze tracing, increased blood flow in
right premotor and parietal areas was found compared with square
tracing, whereas decreased blood flow was observed in primary and
supplementary motor cortex. The Center images show that
blood flow in these areas changed to a level almost identical to that
found during simple square tracing after the maze was practiced. A
linear gray scale is used, with white representing maximal activation
and black, minimal activation. The brain outlines were traced from the
stereotaxic atlas of Talairach and Tournoux (20) and represent a
transverse section 54 mm above the AC–PC line.