Figure 3. Dietary restriction does not increase lifespan of the D. rerio ucp2, C. elegans aakg-2(sta2), or Dual-1 strains.
(a) D. rerio ucp2, (b) C. elegans aakg-2(sta2), and (c) Dual-1 strains. y-axis shows fraction of worms alive, x-axis shows lifespan of synchronized worms starting from adulthood. Dr – D. rerio. Control refers to an unc-119(+); sod-3::mCherry strain. sDR indicates feeding on plates with 108 CFU. AL indicates feeding on plates seeded with 1011 CFU. Control worms on sDR live 18% longer than control worms on AL (p<0.01, log rank). A second independent assay showed similar results to those shown (Table S5).