Figure 1.
Enrollment and outcomes. ACOS = Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Cognitive Outcomes Study. *Of 1,001 Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT) subjects who underwent randomization, 227 were ineligible for long-term follow-up as part of Economic Analysis of the Pulmonary-Artery Catheter (EA-PAC) because no regulatory approval was in place and 119 declined consent (33). †Subjects were categorized as ineligible if the time window to be tested had elapsed because of the regulatory halt, as incapable if self-determined or determined by a surrogate to be physically or mentally incapable of telephone-based neuropsychological testing, and as lost to follow-up if consent was obtained but the subject was not tested. Of 53 subjects categorized as lost to follow-up, no contact information was available for 1 subject, no telephone service was available for 1 subject, no explanation was provided for 1 subject, and the remaining 50 subjects were recorded as “lost to follow-up.” ‡Of 52 subjects tested at 2 months, 32 were retested at 12 months. The reasons for 20 subjects being tested at 2 months but not at 12 months were that 11 patients were lost to follow-up, 5 declined, 3 died, and 1 was incarcerated. Subjects were not required to undergo testing at 2 months to be tested at 12 months.