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. 2012 Jun 22;3:111. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2012.00111

Table 1.

The NIFSTD OWL modules and corresponding community sources from which they were built.

NIFSTD modules External source Import/adapt
Organismal taxonomy NCBI Taxonomy, GBIF, ITIS, IMSR, Jackson Labs mouse catalog; the model organisms in common use by neuroscientists are extracted from NCBI taxonomy and kept in a separate module with mappings Adapt
Molecules, chemicals IUPHAR ion channels and receptors, sequence ontology (SO); NIDA drug lists from ChEBI, and imported protein ontology (PRO) Adapt/import
Sub-cellular anatomy Sub-cellular anatomy ontology (SAO). Extracted cell parts and sub-cellular structures from SAO-CORE. Imported GO cellular component with mapping Adapt/import
Cell CCDB, NeuronDB, Terminologies; OBO cell ontology was not considered as it did not contain region specific cell types Adapt
Gross anatomy NeuroNames extended by including terms from BIRNLex, SumsDB,, etc.; multi-scale representation of nervous system, macroscopic anatomy Adapt
Nervous system function Sensory, behavior, cognition terms from NIF, BIRN,, MeSH, and UMLS Adapt
Nervous system dysfunction Nervous system disease from MeSH, NINDS terminology; Imported Disease Ontology (DO) with mapping Adapt/import
Phenotypic qualities Phenotypic quality ontology (PATO); imported as part of the OBO foundry core Import
Investigation: reagents Overlaps with molecules above from ChEBI, SO, and PRO Adapt/import
Investigation: instruments, protocols, plans Based on the ontology for biomedical investigation (OBI) to include entities for biomaterial transformations, assays, data collection, data transformations. OBI-Proxi class still remains. See discussion below Adapt
Investigation: resource type NIF, OBI, NITRC, biomedical resource ontology (BRO) Adapt
Investigation: cognitive paradigm Cognitive paradigm ontology (CogPO) was extended from NIF-investigation module Import
Biological process Gene ontology (GO) biological process Import

This table reports the updates of the external sources that were previously used in Bug et al. (2008) paper.