Figure 3. Subnetwork-specific targeting by CCK BCs in the medial entorhinal cortex layer II (MEClayerII).
A, in medial entorhinal cortex layer II (MEClayerII), CCK-positive punctae (yellow) surround only certain principal cells (labelled using GluR2/3, purple, targeted cells noted by stars) and avoid others (noted by triangles) while PV punctae (green) do not appear selective. B, the cells targeted by CCK BC terminals (labelled using a marker of CCK BC boutons, VGLUT3, yellow) selectively innervate the calbindin-containing principal cells (red) that project to the contralateral entorhinal cortex (EC), avoiding reelin-containing principal cells (blue) that form the perforant path to the ipsilateral dentate gyrus (DG). C, summary diagram representing the arrangement of perisomatic boutons in MEClayerII. Perisomatic PV-containing punctae (green) are seen surrounding both principal cell populations while CCK BCs select only calbindin-containing principal cells. Parts A and B adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Neuroscience Varga C, Lee SY & Soltesz I (2010). Target-selective GABAergic control of entorhinal cortex output. Nat Neurosci13, 822–824, copyright 2010.