(A) Schematic of experimental design.
(B-D) A primary ERMS arising in syngeneic myf5-GFP/mylz2-mCherry transgenic zebrafish (35 dpf). Broken black line denotes tumor area.
(E-G) Fluorescent-labeled ERMS engraft into syngeneic secondary recipient animals when transplanted with unsorted primary ERMS cells.
(H-K) FACS plots of fluorescent-labeled ERMS cells isolated from secondary recipient fish following two rounds of FACS.
(L-R) Transplantation of myf5-GFP+/mylz2-mCherry-negative FACs sorted cells induced ERMS in tertiary transplant animals and (S-U) quaternary recipients. Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections (C,F,M,T) and FACS (D,G,N,U) of primary and serially passaged ERMS. Scale bars equal 2 mm (B, E, L and S) and 100 μm (C, F, M and T).