Fig. 7.
(A) Full-spectrum, (B) pixel-averaging, and (C) split-spectrum amplitude decorrelation angiography algorithms were applied to map the retinal circulation in a normal macula. The en face maximum projection decorrelation images (Fig. 6(A-C)) were binarized (Column 1), skeletonized (Column 2), and then filtered to remove unconnected flow pixels (Column 3). The ratio of the number connected flow pixels to the total number of flow pixels on the skeleton map is the vascular connectivity. The algorithms were also compared in terms of the decorrelation signal-to-noise ratio, where the noise region was inside the foveal avascular zone (Column 4 yellow circles), and the signal region was the parafoveal annulus (Column 4 between two red circles). R1 = 0.3 mm, R2 = 0.65 mm, and R3 = 1 mm.