Schematic of the mammalian cochlear nucleus, the
equivalent of the ELL in the auditory system. Each box represents one
principal cell type; the vertical extent of each box represents the
cochlear frequency axis, which is fully mapped onto each cell type. The
boxes for the globular bushy, T-stellate, and D-stellate cells are
shown overlapped because these cell types occupy the same map in one
region of the nucleus. Horizontal arrows show major interneuronal
interconnections and collateral projections. The arrows at the top
identify the projection sites of each cell type. MSO and LSO, medial
and lateral superior olivary nuclei; MnTB, medial nucleus of the
trapezoid body; IC, inferior colliculus; CN, cochlear nucleus; PON,
periolivary nuclei; nLL, nuclei of the lateral lemniscus.