Schematic representation of RARE, RXRE, E-box and RORE sites on the 5’ regulatory region of BMAL1, PER1, RORα and REVERB genes. The Gene ID # for the sequences taken from the NCBI Gene database are: rBMAL1 (NCBI Gene ID # 29657), rPER1 (NCBI Gene ID # 287422), rRORa (NCBI Gene ID # 300807) and rREVERB (NCBI Gene ID # 252917). Arrows indicate the first translation codon, gray boxes represent exons, dashed circles are RXRE sites, black circles are RAREs, black ovals represent perfect E-boxes, white ovals Ebox-like elements and grey ovals are RORE sites. Negative (−) numbers indicate regulatory sites positions relative to the start of translation (+1).