Fig. 7.
iaa16-1 is resistant to ABA in germination. a Photographs of Col-0 seedlings in various stages of germination and seedling establishment. Stage I includes seeds with a protruding radicle that has not elongated. Stage II includes seedlings with a radicle that has elongated less than the width of the seed. Stage III denotes seedlings with a radicle longer than the width of the seed, but with cotyledons that remain etiolated. Stage IV includes seedlings with green cotyledons. Scale bar = 1 mm. b, c Percentage of Col-0 (Wt), heterozygous iaa16-1 (+/−), homozygous iaa16-1 (−/−), axr2-1, axr3-1, slr-1, and iaa28-1 seedlings at germination Stage I on the indicated ABA concentrations after 72 h (b) or 96 h (c) of incubation. d, e Percentage of Col-0 (Wt), heterozygous iaa16-1 (+/−), homozygous iaa16-1 (−/−), axr2-1, axr3-1, slr-1, and iaa28-1 seedlings at germination Stage IV (greened cotyledons) at the indicated ABA concentrations after 96 h (d) or 185 h (e) of incubation. f-u, Percentage of Col-0 (Wt), heterozygous iaa16-1 (+/−), homozygous iaa16-1 (−/−), axr2-1, axr3-1, slr-1, and iaa28-1 seedlings at germination Stage I (f, j, n, r), Stage II (g, k, o, s), Stage III (h, l, p, t) or Stage IV (i, m, q, u) on mock treatment (f, g, h, i), 0.5 μM ABA (j, k, l, m), 1 μM ABA (n, o, p, q), or 3 μM ABA (r, s, t, u) at the indicated time points (n ≥ 18).