Distribution of RFL RNA in rice
plants. (A) Northern blot analysis. MF, mature florets; YP,
young panicles; LS, leaf sheaths; LB, leaf blades; R, roots.
(B–G) RFL expression
analyzed by in situ hybridization. (B) A
vegetative shoot apex. (C and D) A young
panicle at primary branch primordia differentiation stage.
(E) A young panicle at secondary branch primordia
differentiation stage. (F) A developing panicle. Four
primary branches at various developmental stages in a panicle are
shown. The oldest primary branch (arrow) is in the floret
differentiation stage. (G) Developing florets. All floral
organis have developed by this stage. pb, primary branch; sb, secondary
branch; pa, panicle apex; f, floret. (Bar = 50 μm.)