Figure 3.
Testis dimensions (mean ± SE) in constant light (LL) or long days (16L) during 24 weeks in phase 1 and subsequently during maintenance for 24 weeks in short days (10L, phase 2). Week 28 of phase 1 is equivalent to week 0 of phase 2. Data in A are for all hamsters for which estimated testis volume (ETV) measures were obtained at all 14 time points; of the 27 hamsters in 16L, 7 hamsters were not measured in phase 1, 2 others missed isolated measurements, 1 died after 4 weeks of phase 2, and 2 more died after 16 weeks of phase 2. Three of the 46 hamsters originally in LL died after 16 weeks of phase 2; their data are not plotted. Data in B are restricted to hamsters with minimum ETV < 3000 either in phase 1 LL or in phase 2 10L. Of the ten 10L-responsive hamsters (Table 1), only 5 are plotted: 3 hamsters were missing ETV measures, and 2 others died between weeks 16 and 20 of phase 2. *Significant pairwise differences between groups (Tukey test; p < 0.05).