Figure 1. Astrocyte signals strengthen synapses by recruitment of surface AMPARs.
a,b,c, Example mEPSC recordings (a) show frequency (b) & amplitude (c) are sig increased in RGCs cultured with astrocytes. Average mEPSC amplitude (RGC alone = 12.2±0.5pA, astrocyte = 20.4±1.7pA p<0.0002). N = 13 cells RGC alone, 14 astrocyte.
d,e, Astrocytes do not alter total AMPAR levels in RGCs. Western blots (d) of RGC lysates for AMPAR subunits GluA1-4 & β-actin loading control, quantification (e). N = 7 expts.
f,g, Astrocytes increase surface AMPARs in RGCs. Western blots (f) of surface AMPAR subunits GluA1-4 & β-actin loading control from total lysate (same expt as (d)), quantification (g). N = 16 expts.
h,i,j, Astrocytes cluster GluA1-containing AMPARs on the RGC surface. Example images (h) of surface GluA1 (green) and RGC processes (red), bottom panel zoom of GluA1 (white). Quantification of number (i) and size (j) of GluA1 clusters. N = 10 expts.
k, Total synaptic activity induced by final protein fraction from column fractionation of ACM.
l, Total synaptic activity in RGCs cultured in Cos7 CM transfected with a control protein (GFP) or Gpc4.
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, # p<0.001, error bars ±S.E.M.