Figure 8.
Effects of treatment with chloramphenicol. (A) Widefield ribosome (S2-YFP) and DNA (DRAQ5) spatial distributions 30 min after addition of chloramphenicol. Scale bar = 1 μm. (B) Axial ribosome profile from the super-resolution image shown in (C). Only the central 400 nm are included in the plot. (C) Superresolution image of ribosomes, 40 min after chloramphenicol treatment. (Inset = white light image of the cell). (D) Ribosome distribution along y, averaged over the 1 μm swath through the cell center as shown in (C). (E) MSDr(τ) plot from single-particle tracking of ribosomes 40 minutes after chloramphenicol treatment. Linear fit yields the estimate D = 0.035 μm2-s−1.