Figure 8.
Uptake of cisplatin/cl-micelles by macrophages.
Notes: Female nude mice (n = 3) bearing A2780 ovarian cancer xenografts (approximately 800 mm3), administered a single intravenous tail vein injection of free cisplatin or cisplatin/cl-micelles (7.5 mg/kg), or empty micelles (20 mg polymer/kg body weight) were sacrificed 24 hours post-treatment and liver, spleen, and tumors were harvested for flow cytometric analysis. Staining was performed with anti-CD14 antibody and anti- PEG antibody as described in material and methods. (A) Relative population of CD14 positive cells amongst the treatment groups was similar. (B) and (C), majority of the PEG positive cells in the micelle treatment group liver and spleen costained for mouse CD14 (70%–80%), indicating macrophage uptake of micelles in these organs. Tumor had two distinct populations of cells with about 30%–40% of PEG positive cells costaining for CD14 while the remaining associated with other tumor cells.