Fig. 7.
A–D. Nerve-evoked stimulation of EOMs by a single pulse and train of pulses. A. Graph shows consistent amplitude of transients, without any significant fatigue, in a chicken EOM that was stimulated for 90 seconds with a 1 Hz pulse train, 30V. B. Traces of higher frequency stimulation (2 seconds duration, bar) with a train of pulses at 5, 10, and 20 Hz (from left to right) in a chicken EOM. Note the undulating amplitudes and increases in baseline with increasing frequencies. C. Traces of calcium transients evoked by two separate single pulses (triangle), followed by a train of pulses (at 10 Hz, for 4 seconds, bar) in an adult mouse EOM. Note again the undulating amplitudes during the train of pulses. D. The mitochondrial uncoupler, FCCP, increases the baseline and reduces the amplitude in EOMs after a 4 min delay, when stimulated with a train of pulses at 10 Hz for 3 seconds (bar). In all traces, the y-axis shows relative fluorescence in intensity units (i.u.).