Figure 6.
Thermogenic Effect of Central BMP8B Treatment
(A) Core body temperature measured by rectal probe following ICV injection with 2 μl of 100 pM BMP8B or vehicle. n = 6–8.
(B) Change to body weight of the same animals 4 hr postinjection. n = 6–8.
(C) Expression of thermogenic genes in BAT. n = 6–8.
(D) One hour post-ICV analysis of pAMPKα and pACCα in the hypothalamus of mice treated with BMP8B or vehicle with representative blots, normalized to β-actin. n = 6–8.
(E and F) (E) Numbers of c-FOS immunoreactive (IR) neurons in RPa and inferior olive (IO) under the same conditions with (F) representative sections (Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; IO, inferior olive; py, pyramidal tract; RPa, raphe pallidus; scale bar, 200 μm). n = 5.
(G) Change in SNA to BAT and kidney of mice following ICV vehicle or BMP8B, injection at time 0. n = 4–6, age 12–14 weeks.
(H–L) (H) Daily body weights of mice treated with chronic BMP8B (100 pM) or vehicle via ICV cannular connected to subcut pump with corresponding food intake and circulating (I) insulin, (J) glucose, (K) triglycerides, and (L) free fatty acids at end of stud. n = 7, age 12 weeks.
Error bars indicate SEM. ∗p < 0.05 using ANOVA. AUC, area under curve. See also Figure S5.