Table 1. Occupational agents, groups of agents, mixtures, and exposure circumstances classified by the IARC Monographs, Vols 1–77 (IARC, 1972–2001), into Groups 1 and 2A, which have the skin as the target organ and for which burden has been estimated.
Agents, mixture, circumstance | Main industry, use | Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans | Source of data for estimation of numbers ever exposed over REP | Comments |
Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans | ||||
Agents, groups of agents | ||||
Mineral oils, untreated and mildly treated | Production; used as lubricant by metal workers, machinists, engineers; printing industry (ink formulation); used in cosmetics, medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations | NMSC sufficient | LFS | In addition includes shale oils or shale-derived lubricants |
Solar radiation | Outdoor workers | NMSC sufficient Melanoma sufficient | CAREX | |
Coal tar and pitches (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) | Production of refined chemicals and coal tar products (patent fuel); coke production; coal gasification; aluminium production; foundries; road paving and construction (roofers and slaters) | NMSC sufficient | LFS | In addition includes soots, and creosotes |
Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans | ||||
Agents, groups of agents | ||||
Ultraviolet radiation (A, B and C) from artificial sources | Arc welding; industrial photoprocesses; sterilisation and disinfection; phototherapy; operating theatres; laboratories; ultraviolet fluorescence in food industry; insect traps | Melanoma of skin inadequate | Predominantly harms the eyes thus calculated for melanoma of the eye only |
Abbreviations: CAREX=CARcinogen EXposure database; IARC=International Agency for Research on Cancer; LFS=Labour Force Survey; REP=risk exposure period.