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. 2012 Feb 24;19(4):655–659. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000476

Table 1.

Responses to an 11-question survey posed to 57 community health workers of the HCT programme in western Kenya

Question (compared with using PDA/GPS system) No of respondents for each option of a 5-point Likert scale (total no surveyed n=57)
1 2 3 4 5
How reliable is the Android device in collecting data?* 0 2 5 14 30
How reliable is the Android device in collecting GPS coordinates?* 0 2 3 8 37
How do you rate the quality of data collected on the Android device? 0 0 12 17 21
How easy is it to use the Android device to collect data? 0 2 4 15 30
How fast can you collect data on the Android device?§ 1 1 5 20 23
Does the Android device make it easier or harder to interact with individuals? 0 2 4 18 17
Should end-users continue to use Android devices? 1 1 2 16 31
How easy is it to use the Android device to collect GPS coordinates? 1 1 2 9 38
Was your training on using the Android device good or poor?** 1 2 2 24 19
How much experience do you have using computers?†† 10 0 30 3 7
How much experience do you have with Android devices?†† 40 0 6 1 2

The survey asked them to compare two tools used for electronic data capture during their home visits. The two tools were an Android device using ODK Collect and a Palm device using Pendragon forms.


Scale: 1, very unreliable to 5, very reliable.

Scale: 1, much worse to 5, much better.

Scale: 1, much harder to 5, much easier.


Scale: 1, much slower to 5, much faster.

Scale: 1, definitely discontinue to 5, definitely continue.


Scale: 1, very poor to 5, very good.


Scale: 1, never used to 5, regular expert user.

GPS, global positioning service; HCT, home-based counseling and testing; PDA, personal data assistant.