Figure 6. The virulence-induced transcript Ti2. (A) Genomic location of Ti2. (B) Schematic drawings of Ti2-dRNA-seq results. From top to bottom, diagrams from +Vir (+TEX), +Vir, -Vir (+TEX) and -Vir libraries are shown. (C) Predicted secondary structure of Ti2 calculated by the mfold program.39 (D) RNA gel blot analysis of Ti2 in the A. tumefaciens WT and VirA- and VirG deletion mutants. The three strains were grown in AB medium in the absence (-Vir) or the presence (+Vir) of the vir-gene inducer acetosyringone. The Ti2 size is given on the left. Ethidiumbromide-stained tRNAs were used as loading controls.