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. 1998 Mar 31;95(7):3341–3343. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.7.3341

Table 1.

Summary of mechanisms involved in clustering ligand-gated ion channels

Neurotransmitter receptor Subunit composition Clustering protein Mode of interaction Cytoskeletal attachment
AChR α, β, γ/ɛ, and δ Rapsyn Coiled-coil region of rapsyn required for heterologous clustering of AChR Actin via β-dystroglycan/utrophin?
GlyR α and β Gephyrin Binding to gephyrin requires intracellular loop in β subunit of GlyR Tubulin Microfilament?
GABAAR α, β, and γ Rapsyn? ? ?
GluR-NMDA NR1 and NR2 A–D PSD-95 family members PDZ domains of PSD-95 family members bind to C-terminal SXV sequences in NR2 subunits and induce clustering in heterologous cells C0 cassette of NR1 binds α-actinin (37) C1 cassette binds  neurofilament (38) and yotiao (39)
GluR-AMPA GluR 1–4 GRIP PDZ domains in GRIP bind to C-terminal SKVI sequence in GluR subunits ?