Table 1.
Injury | Definition | Per cent (n) |
Steatosis | ||
Grade 0 | 0% | 24% (56) |
1 | >0–5% | 31% (73) |
2 | >5–33% | 27% (63) |
3 | >33–66% | 12% (27) |
4 | >66% | 6% (14) |
Sinusoidal injury | ||
Grade 0 | Nil | 70% (163) |
1 | up to 1/3 lobular involvement | 11% (26) |
2 | >1/3–2/3 lobular involvement | 10% (23) |
3 | >2/3 to complete lobular involvement | 9% (21) |
Steatohepatitis | ||
Presence | steatosis >5%, NAFLD activity scorea >2 | 4% (10) |
NAFLD activity score (NAS) = sum of score for Mallory bodies, lobular inflammation, hepatocyte ballooning and perisinusoidal fibrosis (each factor scored 0 = absent, 1 = focal involvement of some lobules, 2 = focal involvement of most lobules, 3 = focal involvement of most or all, with diffuse involvement of some or most).12