Table 5.
What is the protocol for the follow-up of patients who do not match the criteria for surgery? (total answers to question 5 − n = 76)
Answer options | Responses, n (%) |
US every 6 months for life or until the polyp/polyps reaches a critical size | 3 (3.9%) |
US every year for life or until the polyp/polyps reaches a critical size | 9 (11.8%) |
US every 6 months for 2–5 years and then stop; there should not be any significant variation in size (± 1 mm) or number | 13 (17.1%) |
US every year for 2–5 years then stop; there should not be any significant variation in size (± 1 mm) or number | 31 (40.8%) |
Never follow up | 8 (10.5%) |
Other | 12 (15.8%) |
US, ultrasound.